AI Security Session: If an Information Leak is Not Seen, is there a Breach?

AI Security Session: If an Information Leak is Not Seen, is there a Breach?

Friday, May 24, 2024 2:00 PM to 2:20 PM · 20 min. (Europe/London)
Exhibition Hall
Sponsor Session


If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? If an information leak is not seen, is there a breach? This session will review the challenges with mis-sent sensitive information, cybercriminal or espionage siphoned documents that could – if seen by the wrong person – cause significant reputation damage, competitive risk, cyber insurance cost boosters, reporting requirements, or other losses. Is it possible to auto-kill these mis-sent documents even after delivery to external parties? Well, now there is; now its possible to have a remote control to auto-kill, auto-expire, or re-assign access to documents even after delivery to recipient devices or storage on recipient (intended or unintended) devices. This session will explore the current state and now available new AI-infused state of the art in dealing with these data loss issues.

Technology Centre